We had to detour back to Melbourne for a few days to rectify a critical issue with the van. When we got to Bright we realised we couldn't get power from our batteries to the 240v outlets without using mains power. Given we would be relying on battery power for most of the year for our 'free camping' around the country, this was a fairly important issue to sort...and URGENTLY! The caravan place where we had the new battery system installed before we left was closed until 4th January so we came back on New Year's Day. Fortunately my mum and dad could accommodate us for a few days whilst we got the repairs sorted.
We'd planned a quick trip back to Melbourne to see a 20/20 Big Bash cricket match on the 30th December, but the battery problem simply delayed our plans. Can't really complain - it meant we could instead watch the Melbourne Stars v Renegades derby on the 2nd January. What a fantastic experience - 81,000 people at the MCG for a game of domestic cricket. Despite the delays and chaos of the new 'security' screening, it was electric; it was fun; it was incredibly entertaining. We sat in the nose bleeds - about 6 rows from the back of the top tier. Looking down on the pitch below felt like you were playing a board game version of cricket. Surprisingly, you didn't feel detatched from the action - that's the beauty of the MCG. As regular MCG patrons at big games of footy and cricket, it's always a buzz to be part of the unique atmosphere.
Turns out the battery problem was caused by not having an inverter - simple but important. Not sure how this was overlooked as part of the installation of the initial battery management system but after a quick fix, we were back on the road by the 6th January.
(PS - check out the pics of Bodhi after he was shaved! My boy's beautiful long hair had to be shaved given the heat we're about to encounter and the dirt, bindis, etc that would have got stuck in him. He was a very happy puppy when he retruned from the groomer - it must feel like taking off a fur coat in summer! An "aaahhhh" moment for him!

The 20/20 BIG BASH game between Melbourne Stars and Renegades with 81,000 people

Leaving mum & dad's in Melbourne after the battery system repairs

Bodhi after his inaugural shave!